Сряда, 12.02.2025


About us


The Patients’ Organizations “With you” is a non-governmental organization with headquarters in the city Sofia, Bulgaria, 5B “Tzar Simeon” Str.

Our goals are:

  • To initiate and to participate in public debates and dialogue with institutions in regard to the strengthening of citizen participation in the management and control of the health care system.
  • To introduce the principle of equal partnership between institutions, medical professionals` organizations and patients' associations in development and adoption of strategies, standards and policies in the health system fireld.
  • Promotion and implementation of ethical norms and rules in the patients` organizations activities and their interaction with society, institutions and media.
  • In order to increase the health care system control, to support the improvement of the legal framework through active participation in the preparation of draft amendments to the regulations that are related to social and health policies of the state.
  • Implementation of the link between civil society and institutions in the country and abroad on issues that are related to the promotion of citizen participation in the management and control of the health care and social system.
  • To provide an independent assessment of the issues related to the promotion of citizen participation in the management and control of the health care and social system.
  • To inform the public on issues concerning the development of civil participation in the management and control of the health care and social system.
  • Active support for the dialogue between health professionals and patients to improve access to timely medical care, promotion of diseases` prevention, and to increase the public attitudes about the Bulgarian doctors` professionalism.

To achieve its goals the Association develops national, regional and international programs and methods to improve the theory and practical activities related to the protection of patients' rights through:

  • providing better access to diagnosis and adequate treatment of diseases;
  • improving the conditions for the patients` treatment thus improving quality of patients` life;
  • carrying out various research programs and initiatives on issues for development and strengthening of citizen participation in the management and control of the health care system;
  • participating in projects and activities organized by other national and international organizations, according to its objectives;
  • establishing contacts with organizations from other countries regarding collection and utilization of information on good practices in social and health care policy field;
  •  proposing changes to the existing legislation on issues of development and strengthening of citizen participation in the management and control of the health care system;
  • organizing discussions, seminars, meetings, national and international debates on the the development and strengthening of citizen participation in the management and control of the health care system;
  • organizing and conducting its own and customs` surveys and expert evaluations;
  • attracting experts and other national and international personalities to support the activities of the Association and other organizations with similar objectives;
  • establishing and maintaining links with similar national and international organizations;
  • opening branches and representative offices in the country and abroad;
  • developing programs and projects concerning social integration of disable people and/or other vulnerable groups;
  • defending the interests of patient-related medical and social needs.

The association is not limited by time. The Association is to attain public benefit.

The Association current activities:

  • Association`s  website maintenance;
  • Representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of patients and patients' organizations to governmental agencies, community organizations and other health care facilities;
  • Seminars, conferences and other similar events on the development and strengthening of citizen participation in the management and control of the health care and social system;
  • Active participation and assistance to the state authorities in developing draft regulations, standards and policies related to the protection of patients' rights,  adequate treatment accessment, improvement of the conditions for patients` treatment and patients` quality of life;
  • Other functions assigned by law: The association advertises and publishes headings and also provides consulting services in connection with activities under paragraphs 1 and objectives of the Association.

Scope of business: The Association may perform activities referred to generate revenue for the association such as seminars, surveys and more.

Members of the Patients' Organizations “With You”:

  • Association of Reproductive Health, Pregnancy and Childcare "Smile"
  • Alliance of Transplanted and Operated ATO "Future for All"
  • Association of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases

Managing Authority: Penka Georgieva, Chairman

email: pdimgeorgieva@gmail.com

GSM: +359886437609

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